View Full Version : hello

04-12-2004, 11:49 AM
:lol: thanks for this forum

i take it the website i made aint good enough lol

well if u get bored of this forum feel free to pop along to



see you all soon


04-12-2004, 12:02 PM

Many of the clubs (like us!) have our own website www.FLF4s.com for ours!
But this is a place where we can interact!
The idea is a focal point for all the Midlands Clubs so we all know's what you lot are up to and when! And then we can invite ourselves along when you have a Christmas Party and you think only a few peeps are gonna turn up!!

PS Liking the avatar! Who is it?

04-12-2004, 12:26 PM
cheers for this coxy

speak soon

< minty >

05-12-2004, 05:44 PM

Many of the clubs (like us!) have our own website www.FLF4s.com for ours!
But this is a place where we can interact!
The idea is a focal point for all the Midlands Clubs so we all know's what you lot are up to and when! And then we can invite ourselves along when you have a Christmas Party and you think only a few peeps are gonna turn up!!

PS Liking the avatar! Who is it?

he he he i had the same sort of idea a bit back

but it got poo poo'd then i tryed to get a simlpe notts meet and again it seemed to be poo'd on so i gave up..... most of the other clubs seem to see it as a compation... i just want to show my car of and get ideas and ppl veiws an what i want to do. *rant over* lol

BTW the person in the avatar and sig is myself vdubs aka luci

21-01-2005, 06:16 AM
:lol: thanks for this forum

i take it the website i made aint good enough lol

well if u get bored of this forum feel free to pop along to



see you all soon


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30-01-2005, 11:35 AM
the site is down till feb aka i know

heres a link to the forum