25-03-2007, 02:12 PM
Tutorial by Marmite On Toast
Overview: The following tutorial is a step by step guide on how to upload a single image into your account using the Volkstorque Image Hosting.
Volkstorque Image Hosting is available to ALL registered users via the 'VT Extras' link on the menu above.
It helps to open the Image Hosting area in a seperate browser window or tab so that you can flick between the two for uploading and posting multiple images
Uploading The Image
Step 1.
Scroll to the top of the page. There you will see a menu bar, click "VT Extras" and then move down and click 'Upload an image'.
Step 2.
Click the 'Browse' button on the right of an image slot and it will open up a file explorer box.
Browse through the folders to find the image you want to upload. Double-click the image or select the 'Open' button with the image highlighted.
Then click the 'Host It' button. This may take a while depending on the size of the image you upload and your internet connection speed. Once the image has uploaded you will be taken to your pictures hosting home page.
The image(s) you've just uploaded will be at the end of the list.
Posting The Images In a Message
Step 1.
Find the image you have uploaded (either by continuing from the instructions above or by clicking the 'My Images' under the VT Extras menu).
Step 2.
Right click in the 'Image Link' box and choose 'Select All'. Now copy the link by right clicking again and choose 'Copy' (or press ctrl+c).
Step 3.
Then go to your post, right click in the text box and select 'Paste' (or press ctrl+v), and thats it!
*** Note To Gaz ***
You only need 1\ONE\UNO set of [IMG] tags :tup: :D
*** Note To Gaz ***
Repeat the steps for all the images you want to display.
Click preview under the text box to check it appears how you want, then click submit to share with the rest of the Volkstorque world!
If you have or would like to do a tutorial for the VT forum then please Contact Me (
Overview: The following tutorial is a step by step guide on how to upload a single image into your account using the Volkstorque Image Hosting.
Volkstorque Image Hosting is available to ALL registered users via the 'VT Extras' link on the menu above.
It helps to open the Image Hosting area in a seperate browser window or tab so that you can flick between the two for uploading and posting multiple images
Uploading The Image
Step 1.
Scroll to the top of the page. There you will see a menu bar, click "VT Extras" and then move down and click 'Upload an image'.
Step 2.
Click the 'Browse' button on the right of an image slot and it will open up a file explorer box.
Browse through the folders to find the image you want to upload. Double-click the image or select the 'Open' button with the image highlighted.
Then click the 'Host It' button. This may take a while depending on the size of the image you upload and your internet connection speed. Once the image has uploaded you will be taken to your pictures hosting home page.
The image(s) you've just uploaded will be at the end of the list.
Posting The Images In a Message
Step 1.
Find the image you have uploaded (either by continuing from the instructions above or by clicking the 'My Images' under the VT Extras menu).
Step 2.
Right click in the 'Image Link' box and choose 'Select All'. Now copy the link by right clicking again and choose 'Copy' (or press ctrl+c).
Step 3.
Then go to your post, right click in the text box and select 'Paste' (or press ctrl+v), and thats it!
*** Note To Gaz ***
You only need 1\ONE\UNO set of [IMG] tags :tup: :D
*** Note To Gaz ***
Repeat the steps for all the images you want to display.
Click preview under the text box to check it appears how you want, then click submit to share with the rest of the Volkstorque world!
If you have or would like to do a tutorial for the VT forum then please Contact Me (