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-   -   Type 3 Bumper over riders/Speedo plus other bits for sale (https://volkstorque.co.uk/vt/showthread.php?t=19938)

Passion 4 20-02-2006 04:02 PM

Type 3 Bumper over riders/Speedo plus other bits for sale
One pair of type 3 Bumper over riders up for sale! :D

Chrome in pretty good nick, but not great as you can see from the pics, the insides could benefit from a wire brush and paint (if you want to that is!) – £15 collected

100 mph speedo for sale, VW Part Number 311 957 023 B, – £10 collected

Plus some Beetle bumper irons also to go £5 a pair collected ;

Front pair

Rear pair

also some Beauty rings for sale, all in good condition. 3 x 13" ones and 2 x 14" ones – £5 each collected


Passion 4 22-02-2006 08:12 AM

all stuff needs to go…

Passion 4 25-02-2006 12:09 PM


Passion 4 09-03-2006 08:09 AM

no interest?

Passion 4 07-04-2006 09:12 PM

Over riders now sold 8)

Can bumper irons or speedo to Stanford Hall… :)

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