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thmpptrck 23-02-2007 08:55 AM

69 1200 bug breaking....
o.k decided to break...:tdown:

let me know what you need first come first served need it gone asap, and the cash sorry..help where i can with delivery, notts>brum notts>scunthorpe,
white seats (good condition) *SOLD*
lowered beam,
complete engine,*PENDING*
gear box,
good wings, deck, bonnet etc..
New rear wings,
Loads and loads of other bits...

complete at the mo...
what do you need?

07932 667086

oldfifteen 23-02-2007 09:07 AM


Drivers door glass and window trim / scrapers both sides if you do break please (and anything else you think might be useful). - if you get offers for complete doors sell them and i'll wait till next time.

Bug now being repaired on insurance so will let you know about bumper brackets, bonnet catches etc when I get their reaction to cost


guz 23-02-2007 10:10 AM

Pat, will you be popping into DUBLIMINAL meeting
at Spondon this sunday ? i could follow you back
with my tools and grab a few bits ?

thmpptrck 23-02-2007 12:30 PM


i am hoping too..please send me some directions, as i have tryed to get on website but im on aol and i cant activate an account!!!!:shake:
I have got my son this weekend sodepending on what time you are heading back it could conflict taking him home just let us know.

Paul i will check if the scrapers and windows are any good mate i know the doors are going so the rest might be the same..

megocorptoys 23-02-2007 12:31 PM

Dude interested in your seats please? still available drop us a pm with a price please.

megocorptoys 23-02-2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by megocorptoys (Post 284619)
Dude interested in your seats please? still available drop us a pm with a price please.

lol and that sender!

thmpptrck 23-02-2007 12:33 PM

after £50 for the seats dude, they are good and i have spare backs aswell..:tup:

sender is still in my van!

megocorptoys 23-02-2007 12:43 PM

Cheers for the reply, got some crap endin on ebay this sat so if there still available then, il buzz ya. if someone else in the meantime thats cool. still would like the sender though, would it cost much to post ya think i just can barley move at the moment.

guz 24-02-2007 12:59 AM

Pat-head for Looms, take the exit BEFORE Looms
on that roundabout, pootle to mini roundabout,
take a right (IIRC) and its down there.

gimme a ring if you can't find it ?

thmpptrck 26-02-2007 08:42 AM

any one else b4 i offer over to the volkszone lot...:sniff:

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