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-   -   1303 beetle - whats it worth........ (https://volkstorque.co.uk/vt/showthread.php?t=31591)

mickB 01-03-2007 09:47 PM

1303 beetle - whats it worth........
need to sell the wifes 03 (s'ok she knows ;) ) done absolutely nothing since we got it apart from - a newly rebuilt 1300cc fitted - along with a new 30pict carb & monza zorst,newbie rear lamps fitted,bugpack shifter fitted,centre console fitted

piccies when we bought it

and the replacement engine being fitted

1st 03 I've bought and not really sure what to sell for (know i'll make a loss :( )

guz 01-03-2007 11:58 PM

2k tops ?

flat4fanatic 02-03-2007 07:40 AM

Depends what condition is like tbh.
I sold my restored one a couple of years back for nearly 3k

mickB 02-03-2007 05:00 PM

we'd take 2k for it :bigsmile: anyone want an '03 with 12months mot n very tidy allround

i'll get some more updated piccies this weekend :tup:

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