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tom 11-03-2007 09:12 PM

what about thursday
how about we all meet at cabfellows at 7.45 or we can catch u up

sisterpsychosis 11-03-2007 09:13 PM

Gotta go somewhere Weds night, but let me know about Thurs :tup:

brummy dubber 11-03-2007 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by tom (Post 288906)
what about thursday
how about we all meet at cabfellows at 7.45 or we can catch u up

thats sounds fine

brummy dubber 11-03-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by sisterpsychosis (Post 288908)
Gotta go somewhere Weds night, but let me know about Thurs :tup:

if you dont mind me catching a lift i will talk to you later in the week and we can meet up with the rest at tonis :tup:

sisterpsychosis 11-03-2007 09:26 PM

Okay no worries :)

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