View Full Version : passed mot (at last) and then..............

09-03-2005, 07:55 PM
woopee do. 1303s has passed its mot (despite me having to adjust the headlamp aligment when i got there) on its second attempt.

so taxed it up, took it for a run and handed it over to the misses.

2 hours later and no bug outside my house. you guessed it, she was waiting for the recovery people.

dynamo had stopped working and run the battery flat!

sticky brushes it was, so its ok now but i get the feeling this car is going to be demanding my attention all the time.

anyway, somebody told me that i need to change my oil every 3 months and change gearbox oil? is that the case?

what other stuff should i be paying attention to, to ensure a long life for my motor

09-03-2005, 08:26 PM
hello mate

i give the van engine a full service every 3-4 months or as close to it as i can some say it abit over kill but when its only about £30 a time its cheap to do :wink:

gear box oil i would change as it most likely never has been :roll: and then just check once a year unless you notice its leaking :wink:

hope that helps mate :wink:

09-03-2005, 08:41 PM
good to hear it's on the road again, don't worry, most of these bits sound like teething trouble due to the car being laid up for a while.

Change engine oil every 3000 mls which for alot of people is 3 months!
you ought to do the rest - timing tappets, plugs points etc while your at it.

spending most of your time on a bug is all part of it :D Dont give up it's all worth it!

12-03-2005, 03:37 PM
just polished my rims up. took 2 days to do them properly but they look awesome.

car seems to be running a bit rich, as it stinks of petrol on start up (dont think i'm loosing any but going to check all the connections up front anyway).

also think the timing maybe be out slightly as it wouldn't pull the skin off a rise pudding at the moment.

brakes are pulling to the right as well. had a look at the adjusters and they are really manky. have stuck some lub on today so hopefully they will move tomorrow when i try and adjust them.