View Full Version : fridges? anyone know anyone who knows out bout em??

31-03-2005, 08:15 PM
fridges? anyone know anyone who knows out bout em??

aquired one for a camper/caravan that looks as though its had the gas pipe cut off and 2 wires lookin like they should hook up to 12v?

its an electrolux
any guesses before i try? in appers to have the fridge gass in ok so i guess its a 2 way ?

marmite on toast
31-03-2005, 09:09 PM
jez, do what i did, and hook it up to a 12v battery (outside) and see if the pipes at the back get hot!!! it should if it works, most gas/12v units are filled with amonier (sp) so wont harm you!!! i did this to mine and it works fine, but to make sure, i have got nelly coming to have a look and check that everything is okay before i stick it in the bus....... if you aint got his number pm and i will pass it on.
cheers Marm

31-03-2005, 09:37 PM
yea thats what i thought was going to hook the gas up too :shock:

does yours have a compressor or do they work some otherway?

did you get your delivery last weekend ?

marmite on toast
31-03-2005, 09:52 PM
yea thats what i thought was going to hook the gas up too :shock:

does yours have a compressor or do they work some otherway?

did you get your delivery last weekend ?

fuck the gas, it cost toooo much, i got a gas bill for £200.00 for three months......

no comp, just works of the amonier (sp)

and no, but i might beable to get it sorted soooooo :idea:

01-04-2005, 10:09 AM
I have an Electrolux too

Also got a gas pipe and 2 wires.

so, you might find this useful http://www.vdubs.freeuk.com/downloads/ElectroluxRM122.pdf

01-04-2005, 08:12 PM
cheers chap thats the fella !

11-04-2005, 06:55 PM
wow stuck it on a 12v transformer and hey presto it worked :D

marmite on toast
17-04-2005, 09:33 PM
wow stuck it on a 12v transformer and hey presto it worked :D
cool...tyler? are you going to bustypes?