View Full Version : Beetle engine removal

Wolfburg Willie
22-04-2005, 03:51 PM
Its my first time attempting to remove an engine from my daughters 1972, 1200cc beetle. I have followed the instructions in the servicing book but when I come to removing the 4 bolts that hold the engine onto the transmission I find that the bolt on the top left handside, behind the fan housing, seems to be inserted from the other direction. IE The threads and not the bolthead are in the engine compartment.
How do I gain access to the bolt to remove it? Any ideas ? :oops: :oops:

Souper Steve ABB
23-04-2005, 07:13 AM
Bolts are round the back of the casing and are a squeeze at best. The best tool money can buy here is a 17mm ratchet spanner you will not regret the tenner or so you spend on this beleive me. I'm in great barr area if you need an extra set of eyes and you're close by give us a shout

Wolfburg Willie
25-04-2005, 09:25 PM
Thanks Steve I will take another look at the problem tomorrow. Perhaps I was looking in the wrong place. Thanks for the tip on the rachet spanner I live in Telford so it would be a bit impractical to pop round and see you. I will let you know how iI get on.

Souper Steve ABB
25-04-2005, 10:28 PM
good luck mate. If you need any advice i'll do my best to help

25-04-2005, 11:49 PM
the 2 top engine bolts are oposite

looking at the engine the top left bolt is threaded into the case. the best method is to get the car on axel stands and a ratchet and exstesion bar and a 17mm socket as the clutch cable gets in the way.

the other side is a nut on a blt this is where a rachet spanner comes in handy

good look :wink:

Wolfburg Willie
26-04-2005, 09:40 PM
Thanks Matt. I didn't realise this, there's no mention of the reversed upper left hand bolt in the maintenance manual I'm using. Add to this I was to trying to prep the car for the engine removal on my drive which has a steep incline therefore did not have the car jacked up at the time. You help is appreciated. :)

Wolfburg Willie
28-05-2005, 10:35 PM
Finally removed my engine changed loads of items and drove it today. Yes it was a long time but I have to work on it when I can. My thanks to you all for your help. it was my first time removing the engine the tips you gave me really helped! It was all fun in a strange yet perverted way. :)

Souper Steve ABB
28-05-2005, 10:56 PM
Glad to hear it! Now whats your next job? :wink:

Wolfburg Willie
29-05-2005, 09:46 PM

My next job is removing the redundent cables strewn around the car and building a quick release cable loom for engine removal.

29-05-2005, 09:49 PM
if you want anymore help/advice will try and help.only live in donnington :D

30-05-2005, 08:54 AM
and i'm in muxton...

30-05-2005, 12:38 PM
An i'm in st.georges......

Wolfburg Willie
28-06-2005, 09:51 PM
Thanks to you all for the offer of help. Not sure what the next major job will be but I think my daughter has other ideas. The bug did the trip to glastonbury and back with only 1 prob, a starter motor fail. But it bump started so thats ok. Since its return to St Georges Telford it has behaved impecabily. Sounds like the solenoid is on the way out.
Thanks again to you all :)

29-06-2005, 06:32 PM
Thanks to you all for the offer of help. Not sure what the next major job will be but I think my daughter has other ideas. The bug did the trip to glastonbury and back with only 1 prob, a starter motor fail. But it bump started so thats ok. Since its return to St Georges Telford it has behaved impecabily. Sounds like the solenoid is on the way out.
Thanks again to you all :)
my bug and van have done a similar thing lately so took them off and sprayed WD40 up into the solenoid area,no problems since :D

Wolfburg Willie
29-06-2005, 08:30 PM
I have a spare starter motor and am considering refurbing then fitting it. Then refurbing the suspect one. I will WD 40 it and see how we get on. Tell me, are dreams featuring the underside of a beetle normal? I seem to be getting flash backs based on the time I seem to be spending underneath it.

29-06-2005, 09:26 PM
i have nightmares about wiring up buggies..