View Full Version : URGENT: Castor Shim fitment

26-04-2005, 10:00 PM

I've got castor shims to put on the bug, but don't know how they fit on. I know you undo the bottom bolts and slide them in, but where abouts do you put them along the bottom bar??

HELP!!! want to get them on for BB!

Also, does it affect the trackin?


26-04-2005, 11:56 PM
undo the top beam bolts most the way out. take out the bottom bolts as you should have some new longer ones for caster shims.

then pull the beam off the botton a bit and slid them inbetween the frame head and lower beam bar

then put new longer bolts in and tighten them up

i would soack the bean bolts in penatratin oil over night as they are prone to shere off and thats just bad news if they do.

hope that helps mate

27-04-2005, 12:06 PM
cheers...now obviosuly there are 2 of them, do they go side by side?, one each side of the adjuster? or on top of each other?

by top beam bolts I take it you mean the ones on the front of the beam?

Would I need to get the tracking done after they're fitted?

Cheers m8.

27-04-2005, 12:25 PM
they go side by side on the bottom beam.

27-04-2005, 12:29 PM
thanks m8.

does it matter where on the beam?

27-04-2005, 12:46 PM
yep intbetween the frame head and the bottom beam, it'll be obvious when you come to do it, sit them nice and level in the framehead recess and all will be dandy.

27-04-2005, 01:03 PM
so, loosen the top two bolts (on front of beam), and removed the bottom two bolts completely. Pull the beam forward, slide the shims in (side by side so they sit in the framehead reccess). Fit the longer bolts and re-tighten the top two bolts.

Is that right?

Now, I presume you're gonna need to jack the car up to be able to do it? (really stupid question I know) and, where abouts along the bottom beam do I need to put them? In the middle, to one side or what?

Does it affect the tracking?

Sorry to sound like such a tard!


27-04-2005, 01:11 PM
yep all correct, and yep you'll need to jack it up and support it on axle stands (not on the beam obviously!).

the shims will fit in the middle of the beam and theres only one place they can go really in the contact area between the framehead and the beam which is the width of the shims - cunning eh? :D

yep it'll effect the tracking but not much i'd imagine. it will make your steering heavier again.

27-04-2005, 01:36 PM
sweet m8... thats exactly what I needed... (the bit about the middle bit of the framehead that is ;))... sweeeeeeeeeeetttttttt!!

I owe ya a pint at some point...!

27-04-2005, 02:48 PM

you'l realise it's not tricky when you come to do it, but a quick bit of research beforehand always goes along way. :D

27-04-2005, 03:24 PM
thanks again.

Just one more question, where best to jack it up from? and, will it be ok on just a trolley jack coz I ain't got any axle stands ??!

27-04-2005, 04:32 PM
thanks again.

Just one more question, where best to jack it up from? and, will it be ok on just a trolley jack coz I ain't got any axle stands ??!

I've always used the area where the 2 bolts of the floorpan/body meet the frame head area.

as for just doing it on the trolley jack? :shock: definatly not reccommended as you'll have you head under the front end to position the shims and be pulling the whole car around a fair bit to undo / do up the beam bolts. a tenner in halfords would be a very wise investment to stop a squashed head!

28-04-2005, 12:11 AM
a tenner in halfords would be a very wise investment to stop a squashed head!


i squished head would do nothing for ya drive and somone would have to clean it all up lol :) :) :) :D :D 8) :lol: :lol:

28-04-2005, 10:29 PM
ok... the shims are in... and it drives a shit load better now!!! :D

that was until I fooked up the ride height... but now I know what I'm doing that'll be sorted first thing tomorrow!

God... so much to do tomorrow!!!