View Full Version : threading a hole in my engine case.

21-05-2005, 11:24 AM
is there anyone who can help me with this.
the oil cooler coupling thingy that my hose goes on to my external cooler just popeed out, and i cant get it to stay in, on inspection the threads on the inside of the case are non existent, completely screwed.
im guessing i need it re-threading and to use a biger sizes coupling 9 i hope thats the right name for it)
any help localy? Nunetaon area.

21-05-2005, 11:36 AM
Don't know if you can get helicoils in that size.
Where is the pipe taken from? Is it direct in the case or off the standard oil cooler mounting? If its the latter, just pop to bugshak and get another!

21-05-2005, 11:40 AM
Its direct in the case :(
god damn it :(

loosing my rag with this car every week :(