View Full Version : Need some help regarding an engine

06-06-2005, 04:42 PM
The engine in our bay (our newly purchased bay which we haven't even camped in yet) is fucked. As some of you know, we broke down on the way to Cannon Hill Park for the cruise to Run From The Brum.

Does anyone have a 1600 engine they want to either sell or lend us until we can scrape some money together for a better engine for it? I know I'm pushing it now but if anyone can do this for us for before the weekend (Beetlemania) that would be *excellent*.
I've looked in the For Sale section but decided to post here because more people would see it.

I ordered speakers, sub-woofer, amp and head unit (£300 worth!) for Kev's birthday on Sunday to go in his van and it has all arrived :roll: Not much good really is it.

Anyway, excuse the whinging sob story but we are a tad cheesed off because now we're sharing my Beetle and can't even use our lovely engine-less van :(

P.S: Thanks to all the people who gave us advice (and sympathy :lol: ) at RFTB Saturday night :)

06-06-2005, 04:55 PM
mite pop over tuesday nite have a quick look

06-06-2005, 05:01 PM
jasons got a spare engine, thats he has just had back from louey. if ya speak to him real nice like :wink:

06-06-2005, 11:13 PM
Thanks Camperdave & Villawag.

I'll have a word with him if I'm there tomorrow night.

My thread got moved. Bad me, posting in the wrong section.

07-06-2005, 05:55 AM
If your bug is a 1600 and it has the right case (i.e. with a little threaded hole in the middle at the bottom), why not stick that in the bay just for the weekend?

09-06-2005, 01:27 PM
If your bug is a 1600 and it has the right case (i.e. with a little threaded hole in the middle at the bottom), why not stick that in the bay just for the weekend?

I wouldn't do it just for the weekend, that'd be a bit of a pain in the arse...

I spoke to my other half about this (it's his van) but he's not having it. He thinks I'll get mad at him if he steals my bug's 1600 engine :lol:

UPDATE: Yep engine is definitely rooted, guys from Simply Aircooled came out to have a look and confirmed it!
I'm going to PM Jason as we're having no luck at all :cry: