View Full Version : The Sparkafer 1967 model

17-12-2004, 09:09 AM
'ello :D

Jus wondered if anybody could shed anymore light on this particular model??

I know that the sparkafer basically means economy beetle but i jus wondered what the economy entailed?

I know its got a 1200 engine ... partial headliner (?), no chrome on dash and only left horngrill ... is there anything else??

If anyone happens to have any 1991 Volksworlds (will find out what issue) issues then apparently it's in there?!


cheers muchly :D

sugar x

17-12-2004, 09:43 AM
looks pretty ok.
Check that the bits that have been painted over on the gutter aren't rusted / fillered or rotten

17-12-2004, 12:26 PM
the partial headliner bit means just the top of the roof, ie not down all the pillars and around the windows etc. Other than that it's all just pretty basic bug. Drums all round, basic vents no other fancy bits no carpets etc.

If you need someone to have a look at it / go with ya i'm in north london, so find out where in n.london it is and i'll see if i can sort something out.

seems fairly honest for the money from the description / pics, but as flat4 said, need to check out what repairs (if any) have been done!

17-12-2004, 12:47 PM
ahhh wondered what partial meant :D cheers for that!!

The guy lives in Stanmore? :D

sugar x

17-12-2004, 11:59 PM
yeah, take someone with ya to see the beastie


18-12-2004, 08:19 AM
ahhh wondered what partial meant :D cheers for that!!

The guy lives in Stanmore? :D

sugar x

cool not too far from me, just off the bottom of the M1. If you need someone to see it with you let me know.


13-01-2005, 09:59 AM
I had one of those it didn`t even have a petrol gauge good luck . Nice to see you have a bug again i am just about to buy Lindsey a karmann golf

20-01-2005, 04:12 PM
I had one of those it didn`t even have a petrol gauge good luck . Nice to see you have a bug again i am just about to buy Lindsey a karmann golf

hey u!!

... totally missed this post!

I might be needin ure help (i.e. pick ure brains :roll: :D )

say ello to lindsey for me ... hopw she's coping on her placement - no doubt we'll have a good chat when i see her in Feb! :D

Tess x