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USABayDaz 02-03-2007 11:58 PM

We must get a selection of shit (mustard) for Burton to snort

Coxy 03-03-2007 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by tom (Post 286777)
every time i have been have loved it just think its wrong not 2 let u take drinks in
every other venue u can take tins in with u

Unfortunately, that's not down to the organisers.

For the first couple of years, the organisers obtained a licence and ran the bar themselves, but the showground has changed hands in that time and the new people running it, have given sole rights to the bar to a local company. Basically, they pay so much to sell alcohol on site and have sole rights to it, and as it's a licenc premises, they have say on what goes in or out.
On the plus side, they sell a cracking pint of real ale!

tom 03-03-2007 10:12 AM

sorry didnt explain it very well
yes the hall, could not consume your own drinkd in there

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