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SteveT 01-03-2007 07:26 PM

Mach 8 - who's going?
Who's planning on going to Mach 8?

Normally go to V festival, but have got sick of stupid prices, not being allowed to take beer into the arena, and sniffer dogs :shake:

Mr Self Destruct 01-03-2007 07:28 PM

Not me or Mr Big unfortunately, we'll be Scumballing!

purchas1971 01-03-2007 07:29 PM

me,mrs and kids :tup:

Damson 01-03-2007 07:31 PM

me and mine :D

guz 01-03-2007 07:37 PM

i might try this year.

liggo 01-03-2007 08:03 PM

yep i should be there this year!

gaz 01-03-2007 08:12 PM

after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.

marmite on toast 01-03-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by gaz (Post 286417)
after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.

personally, i can see where Gaz is coming from. Okay, i didn't go last year, but after the year before you could see the direction the show was heading. Not being on the team that runs the show, i feel from an outsider, little to no thought has gone in to the running, Last year it wasn't even in the show calander.

this is not a dig just a mere observation.

dubman1972 01-03-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by gaz (Post 286417)
after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.

with you on this one gaz :tup: :tup:

kev 01-03-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by gaz (Post 286417)
after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.


Originally Posted by marmite on toast (Post 286430)
personally, i can see where Gaz is coming from. Okay, i didn't go last year, but after the year before you could see the direction the show was heading. Not being on the team that runs the show, i feel from an outsider, little to no thought has gone in to the running, Last year it wasn't even in the show calander.

this is not a dig just a mere observation.

while i agree with both of you it's a show that is fairly close to most,organised by midlanders
and the best shows are always made by the company. my opinion is that hopefully people will give it another go.....if it ends up shit then at least it can't be blamed on lack of support:tup:

Roadrunna 01-03-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by marmite on toast (Post 286430)
personally, i can see where Gaz is coming from. Okay, i didn't go last year, but after the year before you could see the direction the show was heading. Not being on the team that runs the show, i feel from an outsider, little to no thought has gone in to the running, Last year it wasn't even in the show calander.

this is not a dig just a mere observation.

I do agree with this (although we're working on the ad for the site at the mo ;)) & the weekender could be a good idea.

I'm still gonna support mach tho. Had a great time last year.

marmite on toast 01-03-2007 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Roadrunna (Post 286436)
I do agree with this (although we're working on the ad for the site at the mo ;)) & the weekender could be a good idea.

I'm still gonna support mach tho. Had a great time last year.

i'd love to support it but the cost has always been an issue for me.

Still my bus would never leave Wem anyway.

kev 01-03-2007 09:11 PM

no not that...

dubman1972 01-03-2007 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Roadrunna (Post 286436)

I'm still gonna support mach tho. Had a great time last year.

agree with that

great crowd lets hope the weather is a little more kind and they can get a few more trade stands etc

got to go just to see wot burton will shove up his nose :pmsl:

ol bluey 01-03-2007 09:16 PM

was a pity last year really, had a great crack

not many stalls though :(

and somehow GWNB's bus got wrapped in bog roll :beuj:

gaz 01-03-2007 09:19 PM

my daughter and her boyfriend came for the day last year and paid £16 entrance fee for something that they did in 20minutes. As much as I want to support local events, and this one doesn't get more local for me and I even managed to break down on the 2 mile journey there:whistle: , outside the VT camp it was dead:shake: I need convincing that this year is gonna be better before I commit my hard earns to going again. Sorry but it's as simple as that.

marmite on toast 01-03-2007 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by dubman1972 (Post 286439)
agree with that

great crowd lets hope the weather is a little more kind and they can get a few more trade stands etc

got to go just to see wot burton will shove up his nose :pmsl:

to be honest mate, you could have all that with a VT weekender and for less than a 1/4 of the weekend ticket at mac(h). plus you'll get to see me.

marmite on toast 01-03-2007 09:49 PM

Last edited by kev : Today at 09:12 PM. Reason: marmite actually managed to get somewhere before me


Coxy 01-03-2007 10:06 PM

Whilst MACH was at Cosford, for me, it was the best 1 day show on the calendar (apart from Stanford Hall!). Moving to Shrewsbury was ambitious and a brave move for us and the change of dates and the shit that we put up with from other show organisors left a very sour taste in my mouth. I'm sure a few may know what I'm on about.
The ideal date would have been at the beginning of August, 2 weeks after Bug Jam and not clashing with V. Although, from a VW show goers point of view, V wasn't really a major problem as V aims at a much younger market, whilst MACH aimed at the family market.
The initial idea was to bring the clubs together, hence the name MAC, which was Midland Aircooled Clubs (The H was added on the MACH name as we were originally at RAF Cosford and the connection with planes!), which I originally coined back in 1997 (I know Neil Davies will remember me talking about this back in the day on one of the old crooze nites down Fast Eddies!!)
The first 6 saw an excellent turn out from all the Midlands Clubs, but the shit that had gone on in getting MACH6 together, did nothing more than create a divide between the Midlands Clubs and outside promoters, which unfortunately led to a small turnout for MACH7.
It would be excellent if everyone could support a local show again, especially one run by locals!
The day gate price at MACH7 was way over the top. When shows like Action and Volksworld charge the same, and have a lot more to offer, it is something that should have been addressed right from the beginning but because overall running costs were high, it was deemed necessary to charge a high day gate price. Personally, I'd have said a fiver max, and kids go free and get a lot more through the gate.
Contrary to popular belief, the VW scene is far from a nice chilled out vibe that many people seem to think it is, and putting on the last couple of MACHs nearly killed the VW scene altogether for me.
Best of luck for those with MACH8. Work and business depending, I will be there!

marmite on toast 01-03-2007 11:22 PM


fair play Al i remember you putting up with a lot of shite. i never went to the early days shows but by all accounts it was great.

it's a shame you are no longer on the organizing side of it anymore as you (aswell as a bunch of other peeps) sweated your balls off to make the show great, which it was (for me anyway!)the first year it was in Shrewsbury.

tom 01-03-2007 11:32 PM

any one know the dates 4 this year cheers

Damson 02-03-2007 12:58 AM

17-19th August :tup:

ol bluey 02-03-2007 07:42 AM

i went to either mach 1 and 2, or 2 and 3...cant remember which it was

found my pics i took the other day, with the 2 wizards that convinced us thats what we wanted :tup:

snoopy 02-03-2007 08:59 AM

il be doing it again this year and hopefully it wont rain! but then again ive scraped the tent for a bay so i dont care:tup: and this time il camp with you lot and not the other end of the feild from ya! :D

SteveT 02-03-2007 09:39 AM

So is there a VT camping area being planned? or is it going to be club-by-club?

ol bluey 02-03-2007 09:44 AM

i dont think they have areas do they?

we just all went where there was a space last year...and there was quite a bit!

Coxy 02-03-2007 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by ol bluey (Post 286564)
i dont think they have areas do they?

we just all went where there was a space last year...and there was quite a bit!

Don't know about last year, but we've always had club camping at MACH.
Used to spend hours marking it out!:tup:

dubman1972 02-03-2007 10:52 AM

last year we went in the corner of the field towards the toilets, think we were the biggest gathering
i remember the people with the tents by us having a bit of a moan because of the noise :pmsl:

ol bluey 02-03-2007 10:54 AM

they were a bunch of twats i think werent they, moaned about the noise then had shouting competitions about 7.30 in the morning

looked like they were camped with us lot but definately werent!!
had a nice wizard tho i seem to remember

Madam Fifi 02-03-2007 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by ol bluey (Post 286588)
they were a bunch of twats i think werent they, moaned about the noise then had shouting competitions about 7.30 in the morning

looked like they were camped with us lot but definately werent!!
had a nice wizard tho i seem to remember

I remember them! They came over from family camping because 'it was too quiet' and then moaned about 'the noisy b*stards last night' (us) :D

Roadrunna 02-03-2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by SteveT (Post 286563)
So is there a VT camping area being planned? or is it going to be club-by-club?

We're going to be arranging a VT camping area for this years :tup:

As long as there's interest that is anyway. It's upto people if they'd prefer to camp with their club.

tom 02-03-2007 06:04 PM

looks like im gonna have 2 give it a miss this year got a load of tickets 2 the v festival and its the same weekend
if any 1 goes have a go in harvey its great fun

Milly 02-03-2007 06:29 PM

V for me I'm afraid . . . loved the Machs at Cosford though :tup:

Agree with Al on this one as the first few at Cosford were excellent and what the real VeeDub scene was/is all about.

However from hearing from the local guys who went to the last two I've heard nothing but bad things. It seemed to me that it was all about making money and not about a 'local show for local midlanders' !!!!!!

Although they still said they had a great time as they went with a bunch of FLF4's friends who made it worthwhile :D

As for me though I'll be at V with the young uns (Al you old bastard :lol: )

tom 02-03-2007 11:00 PM

the biggest thing that was putting me off this year is that your camping which is normally take your food and beer 2 save u a bit of money but u cant take beer in bar u have 2 buy theres and why they have that rule dont think i will rush back

dubman1972 02-03-2007 11:03 PM

get ratted outside like we did and listened to roadies tunes
more fun like that :tup:

USABayDaz 02-03-2007 11:08 PM

I thought this was an excellent weekend last year

Damson 02-03-2007 11:16 PM

I think it is pretty good value :tup:

I was happy to pay last year to spend 2 days in a field with a load of friends having a really good laugh. I love mach cos there is plenty of space for the kids to run around and be safe, and they never get tired of seeing the bird man, the medieval re-enactment, the car smash, the wrong driving car and the bmx guy last year was brilliant :tup:

I have always thought of mach as a chilled out friends and family kind of show and i am glad that it isn't full of stalls selling crap that i don't need and that i would never buy if they were in my local high street :lol: ............... thats what the bigger shows are for (in my opinion)

tom 02-03-2007 11:41 PM

every time i have been have loved it just think its wrong not 2 let u take drinks in
every other venue u can take tins in with u

USABayDaz 02-03-2007 11:42 PM

I presume you mnean the entertainment hall rather than the event

Roadrunna 02-03-2007 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by dubman1972 (Post 286757)
get ratted outside like we did and listened to roadies tunes
more fun like that :tup:

:tup: Hopefully have the same when I get the van finished :D

Only I'll tell everyone else to bring music this time :D

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