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Damson 08-03-2007 10:33 AM

BC/DC & BRUM RUNNERS Cruise/Invasion
Next thursday (15th March)

Special guests The Brum Runners vw club (Cabfella, Sister Psychosis, Brummy Dubber and more) are paying a visit to BC/DC (affectionately known as the Black Country Dave Club :lol: ) next week, so we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to throw caution to the wind and fling the doors at the Mount Pleasant wide open and invite the rest of you rabble to join in :tup:

As usual the entertainment is varied and quite often pitiful :lol: :lol: :lol: with games such as:

- sandwich building competition -power-driving (patent pending :lol: )is allowed but not compulsory :tup:
- Throwing/catching of small edible objects
- Your mum - there are no rules to this game :eek:
- Most bizarre sexual practice - Hosted by Brownyboy
- 101 uses for Roadrunna's mangina
- Space Dust and other bizarre substance snorting :eek:
- Confessions of a Scout Leader :lol:

And as always the night is finished off with a bit of abuse from the lovely barman :tup:

So if you fancy a night of total stupidity and much laughter why not come over to BC/DC the daftest and friendliest club in the area :tup:

Usual thing ............. meet up at Toys R Us carpark (Juntion 2, M5) for 7:30ish to leave at 8:00 for a cruise over to Kingswinford :tup: :tup: :tup:

Neil Davies 08-03-2007 12:54 PM

This club sounds good - I might have to invite our club over! :D

oh, hang on, that IS our club! :lol:

Brownyboy 08-03-2007 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Damson (Post 287961)

- sandwich building competition -power-driving (patent pending :lol: )is allowed but not compulsory :tup:
- Throwing/catching of small edible objects
- Your mum - there are no rules to this game :eek:
- Most bizarre sexual practice - Hosted by Brownyboy
- 101 uses for Roadrunna's mangina
- Space Dust and other bizarre substance snorting :eek:
- Confessions of a Scout Leader :lol:

Now that sounds like a quality night out.

Fun for all the family, I'd say.

jason 08-03-2007 02:11 PM

count me in :tup:

.... about time! i hear a small man cry :bah:

camperdave 08-03-2007 02:34 PM

yea :D

the girl wiv no bug 08-03-2007 02:46 PM

go on then, stick my name down, bout time i went out:drunk:

Roadrunna 08-03-2007 05:39 PM

With any luck we'll be cruising over in this beastie :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

tom 08-03-2007 05:56 PM

we need address if u can please damson and we all looking forward to it
got that roof lining out and ready to

fbiiburton 08-03-2007 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by jason (Post 287989)
count me in :tup:

.... about time! i hear a small man cry :bah:

Who told you i was small ???:lol:

fbiiburton 08-03-2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Damson (Post 287961)
Next thursday (15th March)

Special guests The Brum Runners vw club (Cabfella, Sister Psychosis, Brummy Dubber and more) are paying a visit to BC/DC (affectionately known as the Black Country Dave Club :lol: ) next week, so we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to throw caution to the wind and fling the doors at the Mount Pleasant wide open and invite the rest of you rabble to join in :tup:

As usual the entertainment is varied and quite often pitiful :lol: :lol: :lol: with games such as:

- sandwich building competition -power-driving (patent pending :lol: )is allowed but not compulsory :tup:
- Throwing/catching of small edible objects
- Your mum - there are no rules to this game :eek:
- Most bizarre sexual practice - Hosted by Brownyboy
- 101 uses for Roadrunna's mangina
- Space Dust and other bizarre substance snorting :eek:
- Confessions of a Scout Leader :lol:

And as always the night is finished off with a bit of abuse from the lovely barman :tup:

So if you fancy a night of total stupidity and much laughter why not come over to BC/DC the daftest and friendliest club in the area :tup:

Usual thing ............. meet up at Toys R Us carpark (Juntion 2, M5) for 7:30ish to leave at 8:00 for a cruise over to Kingswinford :tup: :tup: :tup:

Thats just quality Jacquie :lol: brilliant. As she says everyone is more than welcome we tend to get a little silly somtimes , when the oap's have gone. Dont worry Kev will make an exception for you lol we are a small club who like a big laugh :tup: Looking forward to the brum runners coming over and everyone else .

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