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Brownyboy 09-03-2007 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by fbiiburton (Post 288219)
love the crack:lol:


tombowler 09-03-2007 10:05 PM

when back from my travels and stopping at my folks place a neighbour asked me if i knew who was sleeping in that dodgy looking van, it was my van and i was not sleeping it just closed the curtains each night!

Been called a hippy long befor i got the dub, folks do assume your on the weed if you have a bay as did some armed army looking dudes at the montblank tunell going from italy over, was not sure if they were looking to buy or sell some cannabis tore the van apart looking for it really scared me held up for an hour just as soon as i got out the other side of the tunell i parked up for the night

and skinned up!:lol:

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