First of all, sorry if this is in the wrong place!
I was just wondering if anyone on here has any information on my 1972/3 Beetle reg no SGP 597L (called Twinkle ) We bought her in October 2007. We believe that the previous owner bought her in February 2007 (??) as an almost rolling chassis after what looks like a full body restoration.
We know she was built on Boxing Day 1972 but wasn't registered until April 1973. We have the certificate from Volkswagen to say that she was originally Marina Blue (she is now Isuzu Peach!)
Has anyone on here ever owned her/know any of her previous owners? I would love to know some of her history or see any old photos of her as we only have a few small pictures of her in bits!
Here are some pictures of her, the first was given to us, the other two are as she is now -
I would really appreciate any info you may have.
Thank you very much!!