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SteveT 01-03-2007 07:26 PM

Mach 8 - who's going?
Who's planning on going to Mach 8?

Normally go to V festival, but have got sick of stupid prices, not being allowed to take beer into the arena, and sniffer dogs :shake:

Mr Self Destruct 01-03-2007 07:28 PM

Not me or Mr Big unfortunately, we'll be Scumballing!

purchas1971 01-03-2007 07:29 PM

me,mrs and kids :tup:

Damson 01-03-2007 07:31 PM

me and mine :D

guz 01-03-2007 07:37 PM

i might try this year.

liggo 01-03-2007 08:03 PM

yep i should be there this year!

gaz 01-03-2007 08:12 PM

after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.

marmite on toast 01-03-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by gaz (Post 286417)
after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.

personally, i can see where Gaz is coming from. Okay, i didn't go last year, but after the year before you could see the direction the show was heading. Not being on the team that runs the show, i feel from an outsider, little to no thought has gone in to the running, Last year it wasn't even in the show calander.

this is not a dig just a mere observation.

dubman1972 01-03-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by gaz (Post 286417)
after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.

with you on this one gaz :tup: :tup:

kev 01-03-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by gaz (Post 286417)
after last year, serious doubts. Although the company was good the show was pants:shake: very few trade stands, would have been better and cheaper if we had of had a VT weekender in a field somewhere instead.


Originally Posted by marmite on toast (Post 286430)
personally, i can see where Gaz is coming from. Okay, i didn't go last year, but after the year before you could see the direction the show was heading. Not being on the team that runs the show, i feel from an outsider, little to no thought has gone in to the running, Last year it wasn't even in the show calander.

this is not a dig just a mere observation.

while i agree with both of you it's a show that is fairly close to most,organised by midlanders
and the best shows are always made by the company. my opinion is that hopefully people will give it another go.....if it ends up shit then at least it can't be blamed on lack of support:tup:

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