As a member of DUBtypes we value your opinion. We want to know what you really want from the club. So we have put together a small questionnaire to find out what you really think!
This Questionnaire can either be copied and pasted back in this thread or you can choose for it to be Anonymous(by pm'ing it back to DUBtypes), your choice.
Q: Are you happy with the club venue (the Beacon!) if not do you have any suggestions?
A:I can see why people would have issues with it from the children perspective. But to be honest I think that will be a difficult one to overcome on licensed property. I gues it isn't so much of a problem in the summer when you can be outside. My only real grip with the place would be the football and the poor selection of beer.
Q: should the club stay strictly ‘air cooled’ or would you like to see water pumpers be part of the club line up? (Please note, when we say water pumpers, we mean golfs/jettas/ newbie beetles etc)
on't mind really as long as it doesn't become
Q: Do you feel that you have enough input into what goes on at the meets/ events?
A:…I think to have an input you only really need to go along and suggest something, I think most people involved are more than greatful for any input. Especially if you offer to do it yourself !
Q: Do you use the website. If so, is there anything you would like to see more/ less of?
A: Can't say that I do. But I would say that that is how I found out about Dubtypes and VT for that matter.
Q: currently are you making the most of the club discounts?
A:No, not at all, probably because of the answer to the last question I didn't know there were any.
Q: In order to increase club funds, would it be a good idea to have a club shop, selling things like tee shirt/club mugs etc?
A:Could be worth giving a go. One thing I would say though when it comes to things like t-shirts you are best off getting a design sorted and then buying them on a block order basis when you have enough interest. Otherwise you can end up with a stock of sizes no-one wants.
Another idea for fundraising. How about a Dubtypes summer Barby?
Q: would you like to see more activities on club nights. i.e. pool comps/ bowling nights etc (suggestions, if yes would be great)
A: Does anywhere still have pub skittles???
If you feel that there is something you would like to add to the questionnaire please take this opportunity to make any comments you feel appropriate in the space below. .
The DUBtypes team.