As many of you know, both Coxy and myself are committee members of the Ben Bosworth Memorial Fund ......... for those of you who are newish, Ben was a member of this forum right from the beginning and an active member of the vw scene for many years, who sadly passed away in May 2005.
Now, it is almost 2 years since Ben left us and we haven't done much in the way of fundraising for the BBMF of late (except for the theatre tickets thing but that was more spur of the moment than well organised

Soooooooooooo, i was kind of thinking it would be a good idea to organise something. I have looked at the events calendar and there isn't really anything happening, and on Monday 7th May it will be the anniversary of Bens passing ............ so how about we organise something on the Sunday
I haven't really thought about what

perhaps a cruise and a picnic (we haven't done that before) if the weather is decent, maybe release a few balloons ......... i dunno, just think it would be nice to do something
Any suggestions .......... don't want it to be a sombre commemorating his death kind of thing ........ more of a celebrating his life and continuing to support his memory and the work being done by the fund set up in his memory
So, what do you think ......... and would you be up for it