Teflon Summer Night Crooze - June 13th 2006!!
Tuesday June 13th 2006
will be the first of the Teflon Summer Night Croozes!
Plenty of time to plan! Plenty of time to organise yer shifts, even time for Marmite to organise a baby sitter!!
We've been doing the Telford Croozes since 1997. Nothing yet has beaten the big one on June 10th 1997 when 76 Air Cooled VW's turned up en-mass and headed for Ironbridge!
Could this be the year to beat it!?!?
last year we had 50 on the dot!!
An excellent crooze, with free food, entertainment, and taking in the wonderful views of Ironbridge Gorge!
There will be a charity raffle with all profits going towards the BBMF.
If anyone has any prizes they would like to donate to the raffle then please let me know and bring them along on the night!!
Doesn't have to be VW related!!
Everyone is welcome! if you haven't got a VW, don't worry! You can always jump in someone elses car!!!
Teflon peeps - we got a new shiny website!!
A lot of people never use their initiative because no one told them to