Yes the last couple of months at the fox and goose have been pretty crap. It has changed hands. Last meet they had run out of half the beer,It seems to have gone down the drain. We chatted last club meet about changing locations. So tonight we chatted to clair at the Mount pleasent. cot lane Kingswinford.We will be meeting there Thursday night this week. We will have food put on for us. There should be plenty of room. This is a better pub in a better area of kingswinford. Staff are great (sam has great breasts too
lol)I think we will all like it. Smaller carpark but we are not a huge club yet!!!!!!!!!!

As ive said a cracking area.I know ill be driving every week and dumping my car there to walk in the morning to pick it up
lol. See you all there thursday. Will post postcode up early in week.
Too the future of BC/DC Andy