Going to be Megasquirting the buggy over winter, gonna document my thoughts here, do photographic diary etc.....
Plan at the moment...
1) get some CB Fuel Injection end castings
2) modify a stock centre section to accept a Mondeo 2.0 zetec throttle body
3) John (Sunroof_64) has kindly agreed to build my megaquirt box in a deal for some odds and ends
4) the remainder of the mondeo Fi parts will be utilised wherever possible (pump, injectors etc should be well up to the job)
5) once the Fuelling is sorted and running nicely I will ditch the 009 dizzy and let megasquirt handle sparking duties also utilising an EDIS 4 box (prob from mondeo) and a wasted spark setup
depending on timescales and budgets the 1641 lump will be bored out for 94mm b+p either before the FI or at least ready for Bug Jam / Big Bang to take it down the strip. (doing a day trip to bug jam this year as my Bro in Law is over from the states!)
Task List
1) Order End Castings/Fuel Rails to collect in January - In Progress
2) find source for Mondeo parts - Done
3) Order Megasquirt Kit - In Progress
4) find out if 8mm copper tubing is good enough for fuel lines
5) work out how to get 8mm tubing plumbed into fueltank (out and return)
6) Sell Motorbike
7) lower buggy

fit smaller tyres to rear of buggy
9) swap front tyres on buggy
10) fab windscreen frame support and seperate dash from hood to make wiring/plumbing easier
wish me luck!