As most sas members may remember at the last tatton show i had a call to say she had a stroke n i was told she wouldnt pull through..3 nights sleepin out in the dog run n a big fight n she sad to say she gave a good fight for longer than even the vet thought till 10.30 lastnight when i had a call saying it was time
a real family member for over 14 years and missed more than i can put into words
pain free n chasein rabbits still ihope xx
__________________ the one and only deva girl who can leave a bad taste in ya mouth!!!
dont you just hate plastic people!!!!!!
some people sink to low levals i just like to rise above it
SAS girls do it better than boys DIVISION needs nothin more said
no joinin fee or weekly charges just come n see for ya selfs
Slut Fairies On Tour 2008
thanks xx
just feels so odd not havein her here...iz are other springer is beside her self n i cant do anythink to help but give that little extra tlc even out on a walk this mornin you could see she didnt want to go with out tace
kids have taken it real bad to....just feels like a big hole
__________________ the one and only deva girl who can leave a bad taste in ya mouth!!!
dont you just hate plastic people!!!!!!
some people sink to low levals i just like to rise above it
SAS girls do it better than boys DIVISION needs nothin more said
no joinin fee or weekly charges just come n see for ya selfs
Slut Fairies On Tour 2008
really feel for you chelle , we know exactly how you feel after our dog lady passed away recently, the house just felt empty as she had been part of the family for 10 years. ali got her own way in the end and now we have alice .... but you never forget them and it leaves a big void when they have gone
lets play follow the leader !!! get a life !!!