everywhere, just been reading your thread on the caddy forum Mr powernut !!
this is gonna be a monster........... the work, time, effort, and thought going in to this build is IMMENSE
well ive had a few extra thoughts too on the project,,im going to see how mutch boost i can shove thew this b4 it goes bang lol ,the the time effect ,will end up were it started really bud ,the scrap yard ,,,,as its basicly just a bit of fun for track days,,,
nothing done 2day due to wheather so ive gone for more airflow so went and got this baby ,,,first my old one showing on the left and new one on the right
a nice holset hx40w with 4inch in and 4inch out lol ,,,,,
yes its big ,may take a bit of fitting thow lol ,,,
so a trail fit is needed....these buggars will thow out 44psi ,,my aim is anything or 15psi to 25psi which is 500bhp on these engines
i reckon i can make somert for it to work lol
[quote=adaptorman;423098]nothing done 2day due to wheather so ive gone for more airflow so went and got this baby ,,,first my old one showing on the left and new one on the right
a nice holset hx40w with 4inch in and 4inch out lol ,,,,,
Wow thats a beast! Loving the progress of this. Keep the updates coming
cut a hole in the bonnet and mount it like a charger
lol ill sort somert ,but theres no room down below for the exhaust so its going thew the inner wing lmao chuff ,this will be later stuff ,,more othings to sort first,,
right made a hour free night so made a collector ,,and let me tell ya ,trying make 6 outlets into a t3 flange ...stressfull lol as usely t3 are made for 4 outlets,but i like to prove they can be fitted lol
bingo thats that bit sorted ,and i have to use a 44mm wastegat too as u can see the larger pipe