I don't know if this is the place to put it as I'm not the trader, but I've been working with this guy to get a good template to partially cover the front of my Bay with a 3M film.
This is to basically stop stone chips on your paint work. Its a clear film (like sticky back plastic) instead of having a black bra on the front of your van.
The guy, Dave, just does'nt do Bays/VW's he'll do any car/van. He was down on the caost over the weekend doing the hulls of boats!
Should be getting a quote back soon, but if is anyone else interested? Maybe we could get a group buy thingy going on?
This is his website: Paint Protection Film - Diy Kits - Fully Installed - PPG Premier Paint Guard
This is what he has sent me:
Anyone interested? As I said maybe with a group buy I can get mine cheaper