Well it looks like I will be letting my 1303 go as I suffer from siatica and the doc thinks it could be the car, and he could be right as I have been using the wifes Vectra for a week and feel alot better.
Any way the car is a 1975 1303 in superb bronze, I taxed her for 6 months last week and the MOT is until the 30th Oct, short but it should go through with no probs I will get it done if needed.
She is completly standard all round which is great because the engine is not, makes people look twice at the lights

Its a 1700cc out of a 914 Porsche with a 911 fan conversion. I brought this last year from a guy up in Newcastle, he had it built for a customer who backed out so I brought it. Its only done 150 miles and is still being run in. I have only recently had the engine fitted, it still needs a bit of tuning but she goes very well I have taken her up to 3500 revs and she sounds great.
I have a set of Teledials to go with the car they need tyres and repainting or just put some rubber on them and use as is.
Also a spare bonnet as the one on it has a dent in it you can see it in the photo, and I have a full 1303s dash with the wood trim bit, and a load of parts which I will be letting go with the car there are alsorts in the boxes. Oh and there is a tow bar as well.
I'm looking for a van or a estate car diesel would be ideal
If I have to put a price on her I would be looking for £2995, £1000 for the car and £1995 for the engine it cost me more.
I will put some more pic's up tomorrow.