Got the coolest present ever yesterday and am soooooooooooo pleased with it i thought i would show it to you guys
The interior has been repainted to match mine and it even has a cream steering wheel and best of all ............. brown love written across the rear window
Everyone who has been to my house, or knows me, knows that i can't stand dub models but this one has been made to look like a miniature version of my bug (when i have properly finished it ) so it has got pride of place in my living room
but i did actually see some 10 inch ones on a reliant just down the road from the city hospital, go nick em.
Can't afford to go and buy some fuch's so that my bug matches the model ............ but they are shinier than the stock wheels that were on it
Might have to clean my bug tho ............ cos the model is definatley cleaner and shinier
Ooooooooooh another nice touch ............ the model came with a case of 1 litre vodka bottles to go on the roof rack I don't know what kind of girl he thinks i am
is that the one you was telling me about on the phone yestoday !! it looks to shiney to be your car lol and the roof rack is the wrong colour but gota say what a fab job done !! looks fookin ace
" Late model T25's Arnt a crime "
" life is for the living "
__________________ the one and only deva girl who can leave a bad taste in ya mouth!!!
dont you just hate plastic people!!!!!!
some people sink to low levals i just like to rise above it
SAS girls do it better than boys DIVISION needs nothin more said
no joinin fee or weekly charges just come n see for ya selfs
Slut Fairies On Tour 2008
Got the coolest present ever yesterday and am soooooooooooo pleased with it i thought i would show it to you guys
The interior has been repainted to match mine and it even has a cream steering wheel and best of all ............. brown love written across the rear window
Everyone who has been to my house, or knows me, knows that i can't stand dub models but this one has been made to look like a miniature version of my bug (when i have properly finished it ) so it has got pride of place in my living room
that looks fantastic hun, i want one
LOOK...cut the crap and show us ya willy