I've just bought this shifter & decided to fit it to my 62 bug today. As there's only 2 13mm bolts I thought it'd be a piece of piss. Was wrong about that

With the gearbox in neutral I slotted it in & bolted it down to try, couldn't get 1st or 3rd! I slackened off the bolts & pulled the mounting backwards on the slots as far as it would go which brought the lever more central on the ball socket but it still looked as though it was more or less in 1st or 3rd. I still can't engage 1st or 3rd as the lever has reached its full travel forward & i've got no more adjustment on the slotted mounting holes. The socket for the lever doesn't look very central when you look through the hole in the tunnel either. Does anybody no what's wrong, is there something not in line or something worn

Any advice would be appreciated