Re: Door seals
My daily bug has big chunks missing from the seals around the locks but never lets any water in. I'd look at the free / cheap stuff first:
Get someone to spray it with a hose pipe whilst you sit in it looking for leaks.
First thing to do is fit some vapor barriers to the doors - bit of dust sheet from the diy shop (£1-2) cut to fit. Tape it onto the inside of the door so it covers the whole area behind the door card. When you get to the bottom of the door tuck it inside the door frame. that way when the water gets in it'll run down it and into your door and out through the drain holes rather than down the door cards and into the car.
Have a look at things like scuttle seal in place (there's 3 small holes in either corner that it should be 'plugged' into. If not these will leak into the car).
If it's got a bonnet vent is the drain tube connected properly?
Ariel sealing ok?