well the 1600 has bit the dust so i have got my hands on a 2000 so today thought i would make a start and take the engine out
up on the ramps went ronnie
then it was time to take this out after all the money i have spent on it as well
this is ronnie's new heart

hope this works ok once i fit it
so me and beanie made a start
and out it came weren't too bad at all once i made a phone call to find out were the 4th engine bolt was
the space was then left for the 2 litre to go in
here they are together bit of a difference
but then i hit a couple of problems as the new engine bar fits on different brackets i had to get the others off , quite alot of corrosion around the brackets and someone has welded the bolts,brackets everything to the chassis section
so now i need 2 new chassis sections one for each side before i can continue and fit the engine