a few bit done and made today first thought id better finish the brake pipes off and bleed them up ,,

nice nipple and was the last one too,that those bleed up and we have brakes ,,first time

then realised i forgot to make a vacum system for the servo ,, so thought ill make one in the short runnner

i was going to weld a lump of tube but thought ,erm ill had a nice tight ribbed rubber and use the correct bore and fitting

next thing cut some lumps of servo pipe and warmed them up to fit nicely and shape the bends the fit around the engine

couple of shots of the pipe around the engine

then just a few patchers welded to the bed as its not straight

next ill make a handbrake ,just the finish the brakes off altogther ,but i do have a problem ,,, that is ,i carnt put a intercooler and radiator behind the pannel as there only room for the radiator grr ,evern tryed a side to idea but ,it wouldnt cool right ,,so looks like ill just have to stick the buggar on the front ,,,something i didnt wont to do ,, :banghead: